UbliBot for
Human Resources
Take control of Human Resources processes
UbliBot makes it easy to automate employee related document flows. Upload your documents -such as offer letters, contracts, position changes, salary adjustments, leave requests or offboarding-, define your key data points and format requirements and compose data flows. Blend document data with external data and stage the data for analytics and workflows for better insights and end-to-end automation.

Comply with Retention Policies
Each type of document has a different schedule of retention. The retention period ends at the termination of an employee and other records may have different triggers of expiration. UbliBot stores your documents and datasets. helping you comply to retention policies.
Build better end-to-end process automation
HR often collaborates with finances, sales, legal, accounting, etc to structure and establish guidelines, to comply with protocols and corporate policies, regulations, knowledge & staff training. Create and manage complex workflows to share information with the right people and departments.

Build better business analytics
Use data analytics to help the business uncover valuable insights within their employee related documents, identify process improvements that can increase efficiency, and better manage risk.