UbliBot for
Financial services
How UbliBot helps
Finance service providers generate a constant stream of paperwork, for example: customer acceptance information, customer and supplier correspondence, invoices, purchase orders, expenses claims, receipts and credit card statements. UbliBot enables them to qualify and capture information comprehensively, store and manage it securely, automate end-to-end processes, and allow permissions-based access instantly from any location. Retention policies ensure that data is retained and destroyed according to regulatory requirements.
Many financial bodies are governed by “Know your customer” regulations (KYC)
UbliBot can be part of your online document verification process.
UbliBot helps you go paperless and digitise paper information.
UbliBot allows permissions-based access to your information from any location.
UbliBot dashboards ensure that you have insights across all operations.
Workflow alerts and notifications to prevent bottlnecks and ensure that procedures are met.
UbliBot keeps time-stamped information of your documents in one location.
UbliBot workflows assure that procedures are followed according your policies.
UbliBot processes any document, regardless layout, language, format, pages.
UbliBot embeds best practices in your digital business processes.
UbliBot helps you to meet data protection requirements. Data can be redacted (masked) to enable viewing without compromising privacy and data is tagged on entry to ensure that it is automatically retained and purged in accordance with data regulations.

Know your customer
The basic principles of anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) requirements are to ensure that banks and financial institutions know who they are doing business with, including those who really wield the power in client organisations, as well as to monitor these accounts and report any suspicious activity.
3 steps of KYC compliance framework with UbliBot
UbliBot can be part of your online KYC procedures. It can be used to identify clients via electronic identity, NFC chip reader or a Passport/National ID card selfie check in, whichever territory they are based.
With ID Proof, you receive an identification file based on independent and trusted evidence so you can be sure the customer is who they say they are.
Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
Customer due diligence requirements involve looking into the potential customer and checking them against black and grey lists for potentially criminal behaviour.
Use UbliBot to check all publicly available information, including the media, for reputational issues and monitor transactions on an ongoing basis.
Enhanced Due
Diligence (EDD)
Enhanced due diligence can be sparked by a number of factors. It could be that the UBO of the organisation is a PEP, the firm deals with persons or entities in high-risk third countries, the client has a history of complex or unusual transactions or another troubling finding.
Integrate UbliBot with legacy systems and leading software solutions